
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of users.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


Contains actors in the system that are not patients. This includes providers, employees, and external organizations/contacts records as well as system processes. This does not include API actors


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
amendments.created_by Defined in XML R
amendments.modified_by Defined in XML R
ar_activity.post_user Defined in XML R
ar_session.user_id Defined in XML R
billing.user Defined in XML R
documents.owner Defined in XML R
esign_signatures.uid Defined in XML R
form_groups_encounter.provider_id Defined in XML R
form_groups_encounter.supervisor_id Defined in XML R
form_painmap.user Defined in XML R
form_phq9.user Defined in XML R
form_sdoh.user Defined in XML R
form_treatment_plan.user Defined in XML R
forms.provider_id Defined in XML R
history_data.created_by Defined in XML R
immunization_observation.imo_user Defined in XML R
immunizations.administered_by_id Defined in XML R
immunizations.created_by Defined in XML R
immunizations.ordering_provider Defined in XML R
immunizations.updated_by Defined in XML R
lists_medication.created_by Defined in XML R
medex_recalls.r_provider Defined in XML R
onsite_documents.user Defined in XML R
amendments_history.created_by Defined in XML R
form_gad7.user Defined in XML R
notes.owner Defined in XML R
openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_aid Defined in XML R
openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_informant Defined in XML R
patient_data.created_by Defined in XML R
patient_data.providerID Defined in XML R
patient_data.ref_providerID Defined in XML R
patient_data.updated_by Defined in XML R
patient_history.created_by Defined in XML R
pnotes.assigned_to Defined in XML R
pnotes.update_by Defined in XML R
pnotes.user Defined in XML R
prescriptions.created_by Defined in XML R
prescriptions.provider_id Defined in XML R
prescriptions.updated_by Defined in XML R
pro_assessments.user_id Defined in XML R
procedure_order.collector_id Defined in XML R
procedure_order.provider_id Defined in XML R
procedure_report.source Defined in XML R
questionnaire_response.audit_user_id Defined in XML R
questionnaire_response.creator_user_id Defined in XML R
shared_attributes.user_id Defined in XML R
therapy_groups_counselors.user_id Defined in XML R
voids.user_id Defined in XML R

Unique identifier for each user in the system.

uuid BINARY 16 null

Universally unique identifier for the user.

username VARCHAR 255 null
form_aftercare_plan.user Defined in XML R
form_ankleinjury.user Defined in XML R
form_bronchitis.user Defined in XML R
form_CAMOS_category.user Defined in XML R
form_CAMOS_item.user Defined in XML R
form_group_attendance.user Defined in XML R
form_questionnaire_assessments.user Defined in XML R
form_vitals.user Defined in XML R
forms.user Defined in XML R
groups.user Defined in XML R
lists.user Defined in XML R
patient_tracker.original_user Defined in XML R
patient_tracker_element.user Defined in XML R

The username associated with the user’s account.

password LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The password for the user’s account.

authorized TINYINT 3 null

Indicates whether the user is authorized (1 for authorized, 0 for unauthorized).

info LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Additional information or notes about the user.

source TINYINT 3 null

An indicator of the source of the user (e.g., internal or external).

fname VARCHAR 255 null

First name of the user.

mname VARCHAR 255 null

Middle name of the user.

lname VARCHAR 255 null

Last name of the user.

suffix VARCHAR 255 null

Suffix for the user’s name (e.g., Jr., Sr.).

federaltaxid VARCHAR 255 null

Federal Tax ID associated with the user.

federaldrugid VARCHAR 255 null

Federal Drug ID associated with the user.

upin VARCHAR 255 null

Universal Physician Identification Number for the user.

facility VARCHAR 255 null

The facility where the user is associated.

facility_id INT 10 0 Defined in XML R

Unique identifier for the user’s associated facility.

see_auth INT 10 1

Indicates if the user has the ability to see authorizations.

active BIT 1 1

Indicates the user’s activity status (1 for active, 0 for inactive).

npi VARCHAR 15 null

National Provider Identifier for the user.

title VARCHAR 30 null

Title or designation of the user (e.g., MD, RN).

specialty VARCHAR 255 null

The specialty of the user (e.g., cardiology, pediatrics).

billname VARCHAR 255 null

Billing name for the user.

email VARCHAR 255 null

Email address associated with the user’s account. EMPTY for exports

email_direct VARCHAR 255

Trusted Direct email address for the user.

google_signin_email VARCHAR 255 null

Email address for Google Sign-In (if applicable). EMPTY for exports

url VARCHAR 255 null

URL associated with the user’s profile.

assistant VARCHAR 255 null

Name of the user’s assistant or support staff.

organization VARCHAR 255 null

Name of the user’s organization or practice.

valedictory VARCHAR 255 null

Valedictory or honorary title of the user.

street VARCHAR 60 null

Street address for the user. EMPTY for exports

streetb VARCHAR 60 null

Secondary street address for the user. EMPTY for exports

city VARCHAR 30 null

City of residence or practice for the user. EMPTY for exports

state VARCHAR 30 null

State or province of residence or practice for the user. EMPTY for exports

zip VARCHAR 20 null

ZIP code or postal code for the user. EMPTY for exports

street2 VARCHAR 60 null

Alternative street address for the user. EMPTY for exports

streetb2 VARCHAR 60 null

Alternative street address for the user. EMPTY for exports

city2 VARCHAR 30 null

Alternative City of residence or practice for the user. EMPTY for exports

state2 VARCHAR 30 null

Alternative State or province of residence or practice for the user. EMPTY for exports

zip2 VARCHAR 20 null

Alternative ZIP code or postal code for the user. EMPTY for exports

phone VARCHAR 30 null

Phone number for the user. EMPTY for exports

fax VARCHAR 30 null

Fax number for the user. EMPTY for exports

phonew1 VARCHAR 30 null

Work phone number for the user.

phonew2 VARCHAR 30 null

Alternative Work phone number for the user.

phonecell VARCHAR 30 null

Cell phone number for the user. EMPTY for exports

notes TEXT 65535 null

Additional notes or comments about the user. EMPTY for exports

cal_ui TINYINT 3 1


taxonomy VARCHAR 30 207Q00000X

Taxonomy code associated with the user.

calendar BIT 1 0

Indicates whether the user appears in the calendar (1 for appears, 0 for doesn’t appear).

abook_type VARCHAR 31

Address book type for the user.

default_warehouse VARCHAR 31

Default warehouse for the user.

irnpool VARCHAR 31

IRN (Insurance Referral Network) pool for the user.

state_license_number VARCHAR 25 null

State license number for the user.

weno_prov_id VARCHAR 15 null

WENO Provider ID for the user. EMPTY for exports

newcrop_user_role VARCHAR 30 null

NewCrop user role for the user.EMPTY for exports

cpoe BIT 1 null

Indicates whether the user has CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry) capabilities.

physician_type VARCHAR 50 null

Type or designation of the physician (e.g., standard, specialist).

main_menu_role VARCHAR 50 standard

Main menu role for the user. EMPTY for exports

patient_menu_role VARCHAR 50 standard

Patient menu role for the user. EMPTY for exports

portal_user BIT 1 0

Indicates if the user is a portal user (1 for portal user, 0 for non-portal user). EMPTY for exports

supervisor_id INT 10 0

Unique identifier of the user’s supervisor. EMPTY for exports

billing_facility TEXT 65535 null

Billing facility information for the user.

billing_facility_id INT 10 0 Defined in XML R

Unique identifier for the user’s billing facility.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
abook_type Performance Asc abook_type
google_signin_email Must be unique Asc google_signin_email
uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
