
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of ar_activity.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


Accounts Receivable item entries in invoice/claim activity


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
pid INT 10 null Defined in XML R

The internal patient identifier

encounter INT 10 null
form_encounter.encounter Defined in XML R

The identifier for the encounter for which the payment is connected to (foreign key reference to the forms_encounter.encounter).

sequence_no INT UNSIGNED 10 null

A unique identifier for this payment activity, incremented in the code.

code_type VARCHAR 12

The code system that is used for this billing activity

code VARCHAR 20 null

The code in the code system referenced in code_type that is the main billing code for this billing activity

fee Unknown 0 null

The billing fee that is being requested for payment of services rendered

modifier VARCHAR 12

Billing code modifier

payer_type INT 10 null

The payer type code, indicating the source of payment (0=patient, 1=primary insurance, 2=secondary insurance, etc).

post_time DATETIME 19 null

Time of the posting on the date referenced in post_date

post_user INT 10 null Defined in XML R

The user ID (foreign key reference to the users table) of the person who posted the payment.

session_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
ar_session.session_id Defined in XML R

The session ID (foreign key reference to the ar_session table) associated with this payment activity, if applicable.

memo VARCHAR 255

Additional comments or adjustment reasons related to the payment activity.

pay_amount DECIMAL 12,2 0.00

The actual payment amount received (in DECIMAL format), which may differ from the fee amount due to adjustments or discounts.

adj_amount DECIMAL 12,2 0.00

The adjustment amount, if any, to account for changes in the payment (in DECIMAL format).

modified_time DATETIME 19 null

The timestamp indicating when this payment activity was last modified (in DATETIME format).

follow_up CHAR 1 null

A flag (CHAR) indicating follow-up actions needed for this payment activity (e.g., ‘y’ for yes, ‘n’ for no).

follow_up_note TEXT 65535 null

Additional notes or instructions related to follow-up actions for this payment activity (in TEXT format).

account_code VARCHAR 15 null

The account code used to categorize or classify this payment activity (e.g., a billing code or account code).

reason_code VARCHAR 255 null

An optional reason code used to explain adjustments or changes in the payment amount (e.g., primary payer adjustment reason code).

deleted DATETIME 19 null

A timestamp (in DATETIME format) indicating when the payment activity was deleted (NULL if active, otherwise when voided).

post_date DATE 10 null

The date (in DATE format) when the payment was posted, if specified at the time of payment.

payer_claim_number VARCHAR 30 null

The claim number or reference number provided by the payer or insurance company for this payment activity.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc pid + encounter + sequence_no
session_id Performance Asc session_id
